October 3, 2023

The best places to party in Cordoba

The best places to party in Cordoba Year after year, Cordoba welcomes hundreds of university students, many of them from other cities and even from other […]
October 2, 2023

What to visit in Cordoba?

What to visit in Cordoba? Cordoba, a city located in the heart of Andalusia, is a true treasure trove of history, culture and architectural beauty. With […]
June 17, 2023

The best sandwiches in Cordoba

The best sandwiches in Cordoba Cordoba is a city full of charm and with a rich gastronomic tradition. If you are looking for a place to […]
June 17, 2023

The best places to eat in Cordoba

The best places to eat in Cordoba The city of Cordoba, in addition to its impressive historical and cultural heritage, is also known for its exquisite […]